
Complaints & Disputes

We are committed to resolving all problems and complaints

Complaint Resolution

We are committed to resolving all problems and complaints.

We are committed to providing you with outstanding customer service, products and facilities.

If you believe that we have not delieved in any one particular area we would like to hear your comments.

Complaints are an important part of maintaining and improving our standards.

What should you do if you have a complaint?

If you have a complaint about any of our products or services, you should contact us.

If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, please reach out to us by one of the below contact methods:

Do you require assistance with lodging your complaint?

If you are hearing impaired, we can use the National Relay Service to relay your conversation.

If English is not your first language and you do not feel comfortable using English to do business with us, you can call 131 450, to arrange to speak to a translator who can be provided by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs. Please see the Translating and Interpreting Service website at

How long will it take?

If you raise an issue with us, we'll address it as quickly as possible. In fact, most complaints are resolved within one business day. In nearly all cases, you can expect your concern to be resolved wihtin five business days. In the event it takes longer than 5 days to resolve or investigate, we'll ensure that you'r regularly updated.

What do you do if your complaint cannot be resolved?

It is expected that most complaints and problems can be resolved on the spot by simply taling to the people that provided you with your initial service or contacting the relevant manager at our Head Office.

If there is still a problem, we can refer your complaint though CMCU's Internal Dispute Resolution Process.

Our Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) Process

If you have requested to refer your complaint through our Internal Dispute Resolution Process, you may be asked to put your problem in writing.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint or the way in which it was handled please let us know.

External Dispute Resolution Scheme

Should the complaint remain unresolved and/or you are not satisfied with our response, we will inform you of your right to contract the external dispute resolution scheme of which CMCU is a member, or another relevant organisation.

Should a complaint arise which we do not resolve to your satisfaction, please be aware you can then take it to our external dispute resolution service. This is a free service which provides you with an independent mechanism to resolve any specific complaints or disputes you have with us which we cannot resolve together.

If you are not satisfied with our final reponse, you may lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

For further information regarding CMCU's IDR please download our Complaints Resolution Brochure