
Sponsorship Spotlight- Barooga Sports Bowls Club

Classic Triples Tournament

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Sponsorship Spotlight- Barooga Sports Bowls Club
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Emma Russo

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Over the weekend CMCU sponsored the Classic Triples Tournament event at the Barooga Sports Bowls Club. Teams from all over our region entered the annual event, with over 90 bowlers in attendance. Congratulations to Barooga Sports Bowls Club for another successful tournament and congratulations to the winners from Deer Park, Ryan Engri, Stuart McNeill and Steve Kiselis (as pictured).


Barooga Bowls Wunghu Team

Pictured: CMCU Chairman Michael O'Dwyer with the team representing Wunghyu Bowls Club

Barooga Sports Bowls Club Classic Tripples Event 2024

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